Archive for Blogging

A Near Electronics Mishap

Last week I was in my kitchen working on chopping up some apples from our own tree, for an apple crisp.  Many recipes that I use in the kitchen these days reside on my iPad.  I use a program called Evernote to store a lot of my family favorite recipes, and also favorites that I have found on the internet.

I was diligently working, talking to the kids, and as I moved the cutting board I knocked over a glass of water, and it splattered my iPhone and iPad.  My twenty-somethings jumped out of their seats, and got my iPad out-of-the-way.  I grabbed my iPhone, and I was ever so thankful that I had the Otterbox cover on it.    The twenty-somethings quickly grabbed some towels while I was tending to my iPhone, and we got everything dried up.  Oh, and I also had my favorite Pioneer Woman cookbook sitting on the counter.  This was a big glass of ice water.

Without the Otterbox cover on my iPhone it would have been toasted.  I got the Otterbox for my iPhone because I’m always carrying it with me outside, especially when Travel Man’s on the road.  And since I garden a little everyday it becomes a necessity when I am working outside.  My Otterbox has saved my phone a few times now.  Totally worth the investment.

There was a little skosch of water underneath the screen saver on the iPhone, and I had to remember how to get the darn Otterbox off of my phone.  I could not remember which tabs to push or pull, so my daughter when on the internet and googled it for me.  She tried to find a you tube video for me, but Travel Man knew how to take it off and saved the day.

Normally I don’t have a glass of anything liquid anywhere near my electronics.  But I must have been extra thirsty on this cooking day, because I wasn’t really paying attention to where my glass of water was.  I was focused on apple crisp (Which is a great recipe for another day).  With so many electronics in the house it’s a wonder we have not had more mishaps similar to this one.  Fortunately for me,  this one turned out A-ok.

Have you had any electronics mishaps recently?

A Little Revelings Milestone

The “Garden Leaves” post from last night was my 140th post!   Just celebrating a little mini milestone.  There is so much to be learned about the world of blogging.  The most interesting thing for me is that blogging, and writing can happen in those little pockets of time where you might otherwise just be a couch potato.

For myself, I am enjoying writing, sharing experiences, and especially sharing recipes.  There’s nothing better than finding a new recipe to add to your arsenal.

Thanks for stopping by my little neighborhood today.  Have a great day!

My Favorite Post

In honor of my one year Blog-iversary (thanks Creative Noshing!), I wanted to share my favorite post with all of you from this past year.  It was called “For the Un-Love of Mayo”.  I thought it would be fun to share this with all of you since this is a never-ending story for me.  I always get asked by various family members if I want any mayo yet.  Sometimes when we’re out to eat Travel Man tries to sneak me a packet of mayo.  But this girl is set in her ways. My un-love of mayo will remain.  Enjoy the read, and leave me a comment with your yay or nay vote for mayo.

For the Un-Love of Mayo-

Raise your hand if you are not a mayo lover!  I have my hand-held high as I have not yet  acquired any sort of taste for mayo.  This is an homage to my Dad and my Grandpa, bless their loving hearts.

Growing up my Dad would say to me on occasion, “Oh, you’ll learn to like mayonnaise.  Just keep trying.”  And, I just remembered this also applied to ANY sort of salad dressing.  Well over the years I did keep trying the mayo and to this day I have yet to acquire even a smidgen of love for the stuff.  The salad dressing (only the vinegar and oil varieties) is another story.  I did learn to like those in my mid-twenties, and have had occasion to make some yummy homemade dressings.

There is a running joke with my dear Grandpa, who I don’t get to see that often, that he always has a jar of mayo waiting in his fridge for me.  Ready at any moment for my sandwich of the day.  And once again to this day mayo and I just don’t get along.

So you may be asking yourselves how can I get along in this world without mayo.  Well, once I learned to like vinegar and oil salad dressings it was easy for me to have a “non-dry” sandwich. Otherwise I would just eat a sandwich dry, and with or without veggies.

As for dishes like potato salad, or a macaroni salad, I steer clear of anything at the buffet bar that even remotely looks or smells like it has any mayo in it.  Over the years I have learned to make a killer sour cream, potato salad (this is the no mayo allowed variety).  For many years my kids were not even aware that there was any other form of potato salad.   And now my potato salad is such a hit at family parties that my kids pass the recipe along to their friends!

So to my Dad and Grandpa- thanks for all your mayo loving ways.  But I will forever remain in the Non-Mayo world.

A Little Vacation

Hello friends and neighbors. Travel Man and I are taking a vacation together for the rest of the week. We’ll also be celebrating our tenth anniversary. Wow! Time does fly when you’re having an adventure. I’ll be back with my blogging stories next week. In the meantime I’ll be taking a little break from the electronics too. Everyone enjoy a wonderful weekend.

I Almost Forgot My Anniversary!

Photo credit-Microsoft Word_ClipArtHello friends and blogging neighbors.  I cannot believe it is the first anniversary of Renee’s Revelings.  My how time flies!  Raise your hand if you thought I forgot my wedding anniversary.  One year ago today I published my first blog post.  You can read my first post here, about our old family dining room table.

I have had an amazing year discovering that I enjoy writing and sharing my life stories and experiences.  I have also learned a lot about the world of blogging.  It’s been wonderful getting to know each and everyone one of you.  And I finally have had an outlet to share our family story about the kids and their chronic conditions.  In my heart of hearts I have always wanted to share our story, because I know there is someone out there going through what we have gone through.  And I know that our story will let that someone know that they are going to be ok.  And I always remember what my Mom used to tell me, “No matter how terrible you think your problems are, there’s someone else out there going through something worse that you are.”  Those words always kept me positive and humble.  Thanks Mom.

I’m looking forward to continuing to share recipes, DIY projects, family stories, Evanisms, Travel Man tales, and tales of my own.  Thanks to all of my followers for your wonderful comments and words of encouragement.  Cheers to all of you.  Have a great weeke



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