Tag Archive for giving thanks

Giving Thanks in 2014


This has been quite a year for The Spindle Ranch.  Lots of family activities, and always more, and more that we are thankful for.  This year will bring a bit of a smaller Thanksgiving dinner at The Ranch, but that’s alright. This year this holiday will mark a change in the family dynamic.  It will be the first Thanksgiving that two of my kids (the boys to be exact) are gathering with their significant others and their families for the holiday. I am fine with this.  I have always told all of my kids that every holiday and birthday celebration that we have gotten to share together over the years has been a blessing.  We’re very lucky to have had so, so many celebrations and holidays together.  I always knew the time would come when the kids would be sharing their holidays, and now that time has arrived in full force.

Today instead of sharing with you ALL of the things I am thankful for this year I would just like to zero my focus in  on one thing, or I should say one person.  This is one of those years where I have been ever so thankful for my Mom’s great advice and counsel.  My Mom lives with myself and Travel Man.  She’s been staying with us since my Dad passed away in June of 2013.

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My Mom has been on what I would call the biggest emotional roller-coaster of her life in the past year and a half.  She’s been getting through her own grief,  and she has also had to be in Illinois for a few months at a time to help my grandparents with their health issues.  Everything going on in her world has kept her emotions in overdrive, and that’s an understatement.  However, we do live together which has allowed us to have some great girl time together; watching our favorite TV dramas, trying out new recipes, teasing Travel Man when he’s home, and chasing granddaughter, Madison, around the house two days a week.

No matter what is going on in our house, or what she is dealing with long distance where my grandparents are concerned my Mom will always say to me, “You know you can talk to me anytime, and about anything.”  I know this but I do not always listen, because I do not want to cause my Mom to have any additional stresses in her life.  I will readily admit that there is no better feeling in the world than being able to share your thoughts with your Mumsie and get her loving, constructive advice in return.  That is my Mom, that is who she is and what she does for me.  My thankfulness for her wise words of wisdom know no bounds.  I am forever grateful to be blessed with her presence in my world, and I know (being a Mom myself) that my Mom will always be there for me, always.

Happy Thanksgiving Day to all.  May your world be as filled with the love of a caring family as mine is.



I Have to Give Thanks

Christmas 2011

Thanks to all of my readers for following along with my 2001 saga.  If our story touches just one family’s life and encourages them to get through another tough day it will be worth sharing the stories of how we got to where we are today.

I am forever grateful and thankful to my loving parents for their steadfast strength and support.  They were constantly at the hospital during Zach’s initial stay, and frequently spent the night with him so I could be with my other kids.  Their counsel and guidance during the most difficult period of my adult life is so appreciated.  I only hope I am able to do the same thing for my family members whenever they need help.

My brother and sister offered so many things to help us through this difficult time.  Auntie Dooney sandwiches became Zach’s favorites.  Phone calls with my sister, Laura, who lives out-of-state were invaluable.  Always a great listener, and ever so compassionate.  My brother, Jim,  would always help with anything whenever we needed him too, and whatever we asked him to do.  The love and support of my family is something I wish each and every one of you could experience.

My husband, aka “Travel Man”, came into our family picture in the middle of 2001.  He jumped into the fire with both feet, and without hesitation.  He became my rock through this entire emotional rollercoaster.  He would always brings fun and laughter to the household, looking for any and every opportunity to have some fun.  And he still continues to do that 10 years later.

And finally, I need to thank Naomi, Hilary, Bryan and Zachary.  Thank you for allowing me to share our story with the world.  It took a lot of thought for me to write about all of you, and all that we have been through together.   This group of young adults continue to amaze me each and every day with their kind and caring efforts.  Everyone should be so lucky to have a family like ours.

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