Happy New Year, dear friends. 2014 is already in full swing, and I am just now getting back to my writing. I’m hoping you all had a wonderful holiday season filled with family and love. January got off to a bit of a wonky start because of…The Flu. Ugh. I’m actually the one who got sick first, on New Year’s Eve of all days. I was battling the flu beast for a good week or so. Luckily for me Travel Man was home to take care of me. January 3rd was probably one of the hardest goodbyes that Travel Man and I have had in a long, long time. He did not want to go, and I didn’t want him to go either. But, boo-hooing aside I got over the flu, and then almost everyone else in my family had a visit from the flu beast in the past two weeks. That brings us to the point we are at now. It’s the last week of January, and nearly Superbowl Sunday.
My how time flies. And this time is was not necessarily while we were having fun. You would think here in sunny, Southern California we could avoid the dreaded winter cold and flu. But the reality is we don’t. The flu that just rocketed through the family (I have coined it the “lightning flu”) is probably the worst we’ve had in over five years.
As of this writing everyone who has gotten the flu, is over it. Hopefully I haven’t jinxed those of you in the family who haven’t had “it” yet! The past few days the weather’s been great, doors and windows have been opened, and all the germs have been ordered to leave the building!!
We had such a great holiday season with all of the kids and grandkids here at the Party House. It’s always so enjoyable when we can get everyone gathered together for a little while to celebrate.
Look at all of those smiles, what a great looking bunch. Hopefully your 2014 has gotten off to an amazing start. We’re looking forward to lots of birthday celebrations together, an engagement, some mini vacations, and baseball.