Tag Archive for two year old

A Maddyism from Madison


Remember this sweet, innocent little “Madditude” face.  Well last week during Camp Grandma (aka grandma’s babysitting) Maddy had a chance to go shopping with myself and her Pop-Pop (aka Papa).  We were at our first stop and getting safely out of the car seat and the car.  She was standing on the little ledge of the doorway in the car, and looked me right in the eye (very seriously) and asked, “Grandma, can we get some food?”.  As she is asking me this question she is glancing over my shoulder noticing all the fine eateries in the shopping center that we have stopped in.  Then Maddy continues on and has to tell me, “I’m really hungry.  Can we get some french fries?”

So, I explain to her that we have to finish our shopping and then we’ll get some lunch. That thought leaves her happy, and we proceed to get our shopping done and then head out to lunch.  All in all a fun-filled morning.

I have no doubt that this will be the summer of Maddyisms.  Keep an eye out for more thoughts and ideas from my favorite two year old.

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