I am pleased as punch to announce that I have 100+ followers on my little, baby Revelings blog. WordPress notifies you with this cute little graphic! Thanks to all the readers who have joined my little, blogging neighborhood. When I started on this adventure about a year and a half ago, I felt like I had stories and experiences to share that might touch someone, or make them realize they are not alone in their own life adventures. I hope to continue to keep interesting stories, and recipes and insights coming your way. Happy trails everyone. Hope you’re all having a great week.
Archive for Blogging
Christmas Eve 2012- The Renee Version
‘Twas the night before Christmas
and all through our abode
all the creatures were waiting
for the Christmas Day Party to unfold.
The children were cozy
and snug in their rooms,
they’re dreaming of Angels Stadium
and can’t wait until baseball season resumes.
With Travel Man in his pj pants,
and I in my sweats, we’d just settled down
for a good power nap.
(I don’t power nap well,
that’s a travel man thing)
Up on our roof top
there was such a big clatter,
I was hoping none of the kids
had jumped up there
to see what was the matter.
Away to the patio door
I shuffled barefoot,
opened the blinds,
and squinted my eyes
to take a good look
(I forgot my glasses).
When what to my wondering eyes
should appear,
the dog and the cat
were outside drinking a beer!
What I meant to say was,
I saw Santa’s sleigh sitting
out by our pool
with eight cute little reindeer,
just playing it cool.
There was little old driver
with a flashy, Hawaiian shirt,
and I knew in a moment
it was our California Santa,
is he wearing a grass skirt?
Next Santa took roll call
he called them by name,
to be sure none had
jumped in the pool to play a game.
“Where’s Dasher, and Dancer?”.
“Wake up Prancer and Vixen”.
“Finish your ice tea in a hurry”,
he called to Comet, Cupid,
Donder and Blitzen.
To the top of the patio cover,
to the top of the wall
now dash way,
dash away,
dash away and
please don’t fall.
So up to the top of our roof Santa flew
with the help of his reindeer,
and I’m guessing Rudolph was there too.
And then as I listened
on our rooftop I heard
Santa and the reindeer
stomping around,
now what could have occurred!!
I walked out in the hallway,
took a peek around the bend,
and there was Santa standing
in the living room,
is this a dream,
will it ever end?
He was dressed in his Hawaiian shirt,
khaki shorts, and black boots.
I’m pretty sure I saw his socks,
they were black too it was a hoot!
A big bag of presents
he had flung on his back.
Surely there was no room
for a new car, we’d call Mack!
His eyes how they sparkled,
His dimples so happy,
His cheeks looked a little sunburned
His nose was so like a cherry. (sunburned too)
He had a cute face,
and a little beer belly
it shook when he laughed
like a little bowl full of grape jelly.
He was chubby and plump
such a cute little elf,
I laughed when I saw him,
trying to keep it to myself.
He saw me watching him,
out of the corner of his eye
gave me a little wink,
and I thought I might cry.
He didn’t say a thing to me,
just got straight to work,
filling our stockings,
and I thought I saw him smirk.
He placed his finger
on the side of his nose,
gave a little nod and
up the chimney he rose.
He ran to his sleigh
and gave the reindeer a jerk
“Let’s go boys, we’re busy”, he said
“We’ve still got lots of work”.
And as Santa was leaving
our California paradise
I heard him yell loudly,
“Man, California is Nice!!”
Merry Christmas Eve to all,
and to all a good night.
** This is my personal adaptation of Clement Clark Moore’s, “Twas the Night Before Christmas poem. Clipart shown here is available from Microsoft Word.
Christmas Tree Follies from Years Past…..
So in Southern California we occasionally experience Santa Ana winds. These can be very strong like they were this past week, with the winds up to 100 miles per hour. The winds are either very hot or cold. Now if your asking yourself what this has to do with our Christmas tree just keep reading. This past week was a very, cold Santa Ana wind, but it reminded me that in December we always seem to have some kind of wind event.
Three or four years ago I decided we should get a live tree for Christmas. Up until this point we had gotten a few live trees, bought an artificial tree, and this particular year (I think it was 2007) we opted for a live tree again. Now, what you need to understand is that the Santa Ana winds are extremely, extremely dry. There is not enough Chap Stick or lotion on the globe to keep a person from feeling dried out.
So, we headed out for a live tree, found a suitable specimen, and brought it home. Travel Man graciously got it in the tree stand for me and brought it in the house. He doesn’t really like to do the decorating, but he does like it when the finished product makes the house look all festive and merry.
So the tree got decorated with the usual lights and ornaments, and we proceeded with our merry, festive Christmas activities. A few days later, here come the Santa Ana winds, dry yucky winds. So our lovely, live tree starts to become a fire hazard. After two or three days in the house Travel Man and I notice the tree feels like a kindling stick. The tree cannot drink enough water to keep up with the dryness.
So, we made a bold decision. We had to replace this tree. We did not want to have such a fire hazard in the already too dry house. So off we trudged to pick out a new live tree, and once we got to the store we decided to look at the artificial trees, and “just see what they had”. You all know how those decisions go, you’re just going to look around, see what’s available, and have no intention of buying. So after a few minutes of browsing the artificial trees I found “the one”. It was a great tree, it came in the box pre-lit, all we had to do was assemble and decorate. I was in for this decision. It didn’t take much to convince Travel Man, and off we went with a new artificial tree for our Christmas celebration.
So, for all of you Southern California folks who long for the aroma of a real tree, just keep it simple and buy yourself a wreath. Our Christmas tree follies since 2007 have been fairly calm. I’m just glad Travel Man took pictures of this event for history’s sake. Happy decorating everyone!
How can it be December 3rd already?
Hello dear friends and fellow bloggers. It’s been awhile since my last post, and I felt the need to just say hi, and get back into a good writing groove. My writing was definitely sidetracked in the month of November. I have a few stories to catch up on with you all.
Did you have as wonderful a Thanksgiving as my family did? We were fortunate to have my sister here from Montana for Thanksgiving dinner. That does not happen very often, so we were especially happy to have her smiling face as the table. My Mom was beside herself with emotion that day.
We also celebrated the birth day of our second grandchild, a baby girl. This is Evan’s baby sister, Miss Madison. Welcome to your Grandma’s blog, Madison. It was a special day, I’ll give you all of the details in another story.
And the past few weeks have been a rare treat for Travel Man and myself. He has been working from his home office for a few weeks, and it looks like we’ll have him home through Christmas. Everyone keep your fingers crossed please!
Now could someone, anyone explain to me how it got to be December 3rd already? My son will be celebrating his birthday this weekend. How did that date come up so fast? It’s the age-old adage, “Time just flies when you are having fun!”. Or in Renee’s terms, when you’ve been so busy the past few weeks that you finally look at the calendar and it’s time to turn the page to December.
So if your busy getting ready for Christmas, or baking, or making your list and checking it twice make sure you stop and have a latte, or maybe a nap. Happy Monday to you all.
*Photo credits to Hilary and Zachary Juedes.