Maddy has attitude. That equals “Madditude”!
2 years old + Mind of her own + Independent spirit + Solo flyer
I have recently coined a new phrase to start off the beginning of this year. My granddaughter Madison, is just about to turn 28 months old. She stays here at Camp Grandma two days a week. We have fun together blowing bubbles or getting creative with the play dough. She loves to go outside, and just dig in the dirt. Oh the life of a two- year old.
Madison is probably the most independent spirit that I have ever known. She definitely has a mind all her own, and loves to be a solo flyer doing things. And of course I have to watch her like a hawk since there’s so many intriguing things to look at or get into here.
So, now to explain my new phrase; you see when the little person in your house who is only 28 months does not get her way, or has to be emphatically told, NO, that’s when the “Madditude” bubbles to the surface. It mostly comes across in the form of a scream, or instantaneous crying, very loud crying.
So the next time your favorite toddler gets in trouble, and their “Madditiude”” bubbles to the surface, just picture Madison yelling, or crying, or standing in front of you with arms crossed glaring (I’ve been trying to capture a picture of this with no success yet). And if that favorite toddler is your grandchild you have to study them carefully because all their little mannerisms will remind you of your own kids at that age. Precious and priceless!!
This takes me back to when Amara was a toddler, it is so hard not to laugh at their attitudes — they are so darn cute! Maddy is just adorable! But watch closely because before you know it she will be almost 11 and the time will have just flown by.
Thanks for stopping by for a visit today. The time factor is so true. I can hardly believe Maddy’s big brother will join the double digit ranks this year! It all goes by so quickly.