Today while I was driving I was trying to remember the last time that I talked to my Grandma. I am fairly certain that it was Thanksgiving Day. I called her to wish her and my Grandpa a Happy Thanksgiving. They were bustling around the kitchen together getting their Thanksgiving dinner ready so we did not talk for very long. I wished them a “Happy Thanksgiving” and told my Grandma that I loved her. A week later to the day, she was gone. Our dear, sweet, loving Grandma was no longer with us.
My Grandma was one of the kindest people I have ever known. You know on her 90th birthday we all pitched in and got her a Mac Book which she loved learning how to use. Her love of learning never faltered. She was a voracious reader, and loved learning how to use Google to find the information she needed. As a matter of fact at one point in her life she wrote a letter to The Encyclopedia Britannica correcting them, and they listened!
Some of my fondest memories of my Grandma include-
Her stories and memories of times gone by. Especially the stories of how she met my Grandpa, and how their favorite place to go for their anniversary dinner was the Dog-n-Suds.
The fact that she drove a red convertible VW bug, and then a gorgeous blue Mustang. I thought she was so cool, and so hip!
We would always talk about gardening, composting and how her fruit trees were doing. She would always ask how my garden was doing, or what I was planning on planting.
A couple of my conversations around her birthday centered around granddaughter Madison. We were discussing the fact that Madison’s zodiac sign was the same as hers (Madison’s great-great grandma). My Grandma kept telling me she’s going to be stubborn and independent just like me. Remember my recent story about “Madditude”?
My memories of my Grandma are always surrounded by her love of her family. She would always stay in touch with everyone on birthdays, anniversaries, and at Christmas time. To me she was like the glue holding all of the extended family together.
I consider myself incredibly blessed to have been included in these five generation pictures over the years:
Is still amazes me to this day that my Grandma, my Mom and I are in all three of these pictures. Such priceless history, and such precious memories. I will miss my Grandma dearly, and hold my memories of her close to my heart.
Sometimes life can be overwhelming. The week before my Grandma passed away is when our daughter suffered a serious epileptic seizure. I remember saying to myself I cannot handle anymore, my plate is overflowing. But minute by minute, hour by hour, and day by day we get through life. My Mom and I have a new saying we share with each other when life is overwhelming us. We just tell each other or remind each other that “Life is Life”.