Archive for Blogging

My Blogiversary – 4 Years and Counting

sunflowers-abstract-background_fJh4nnvd-002Four years ago this week I pressed the “publish” button and I was off and running with my little blog, Renee’s Revelings.  It’s always amazing to me how quickly time goes by.  I started my blog just because  I had some stories I wanted to share.  Most importantly I wanted to share our family stories of how we have dealt with chronic medical conditions, and childhood leukemia.  My opinion has always been if I can touch one person’s life who maybe is struggling a little, and I can give them hope that they will be ok then my writing has made a difference.

I’ve told stories about so many things over the past few years.  Tom’s Travels, grand-kiddies, quirky happenings around the house when Travel Man is away, and lots and lots of family stories.  Little did I know that I would enjoy writing and sharing my stories so much.  It has been a positive force in my life, and now I’m always looking for tools and tips to improve my writing.  I will admit I have had bouts of not being able to write one word.  This was especially true when my Dad passed away two years ago.  It was so difficult to put any thoughts and stories on paper.  I honestly had to do a ton of just plain journaling my thoughts in order to find my way back to my stories.  But after getting through  the loss, and helping my Mom start to put things in order for herself I found my way back to my story-telling.

Blogging has been a great learning experience for me.  Teaching me how to be more social (that’s out of my comfort zone for sure), and teaching me so, so much about the world of social media.  Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Google+, and on and on. Oh my there’s a lot to learn out there in the blogosphere.  I had better get busy! As I continue on in my blogging adventures I hope you will come along with me, and bring your cup of coffee too!


I’ve Been Away Far Too Long

Here is it the second, no wait third week of February (already!) and I have been away from my writing for far too long.

Life’s just been a bundle of ups and downs recently, a little stormy with not a lot of sunshine on the horizon.  But sometimes that’s what happens, and that’s what life is.

 abstract-rainy-season-background-with-rain-drops-and-umbrellas_zJ9kGjD_ bad-weather_10035404-032114 abstract-rainy-season-background-with-rain-drops-and-colorful-umbrellas_f1f0bjvd

So today I proclaim I must have more sunshine in my life. For me that means I need to be writing and sharing my stories.  I’ll be letting you know what’s been going on in the Revelings world over the next few weeks.

yellow dandelions in the springSunflower backgroundyellow dandelions in the spring


I hope everyone had a great Valentine’s Day weekend.  Stay tuned for my post on the final pages of our Family Calendar.  It’s really a spectacular sight.  I’m looking forward to getting back in the saddle, and getting some writing done.

See you soon!

ps- Images courtesy of Graphic Stock.

October is Here, it’s Time for a Change.

IMG_0034It’s time for a change, time for a new beginning, time to get back to my writing and story sharing. So grab a cup of coffee and get comfortable.  I have some new stories and thoughts to share. This post is slightly of the more personal variety, because it is directly about me.

This past year I have had the most difficult time writing on a consistent basis. I would write for a few weeks, and then nothing for the next four weeks. Then I might start to write and post, and just not publish it.  Honestly, I have been battling myself quite a bit this year just to get my little stories out of my head and published here.  Life is always full of twists and turns, positives and negatives.   I’ll be the first one to tell you there has been a lot going on in Renee World this year, and I have been  letting that get in the way of what I like to do.

So now that the calendar has turned to October and it is time for some new beginnings. The update to my blog is going along quite well, thanks to the help of a certain Travel Man that I know.  How does everyone like the new look so far?  I am quite pleased with the outcome, and will continue with little tweaks and updates as I plug along here.

The fall TV dramas/comedies have commenced.  My favorites right now are; The Good Wife, Scandal, Blue Bloods, Nashville, and The Big Bang Theory. And now it’s October.  October for me is the time for all things fall, and the countdown to the holidays; Thanksgiving, Christmas, and The New Year.  It’s about finding new pumpkiny recipes to try, and dusting off the crock pot for soups or stew.

In our house the appearance of the crock pot on the counter means that the days are getting shorter, and it gets dark outside way to early for my liking.  It does not always mean that the weather is getting cooler like most other parts of the country. For those of us that live in the desert of the southwest we are asking, “Was it below 90 degrees today?”, or “Is there any rain in the forecast, any at all?”

Baseball is in the midst of the playoffs. Football is here.  The pool water is suddenly getting way too chilly to go for an afternoon swim.  The leaves on my ash tree are turning yellow, and  the mornings are starting off a little cooler now.   So it’s goodbye to summer, and hello fall.  It’s so good to be back in the blogosphere.

Pardon My Dust!

I have recently moved my blog to another host, so the look will be changing soon. Please bear with me and I hope to have the new design up and running quickly!

It’s Been Too Long

IMG_0033It’s high time I got back to my writing.  It’s  been a long time coming, too long as a matter of fact.   This summer’s been somewhat different here at the Party House.  It’s been unusual, eventful, sad, happy, and all of the emotions in between.  Let’s see,  we’ve been dealing with the loss of my Dad, helping my Mom to keep putting one foot in front of the other, flying back and forth across country, driving across country, planning a backyard wedding, throwing a backyard wedding (quite successfully I might add), and moving my parents RV to our house.  Whew!!  We have definitely had a busy couple of months.

My writing got put up on the shelf for a bit just because I could not find a way to put the words onto paper (or should I say type them on the computer).  The loss of my Dad was unexpected and devastating.  I just did not have the mind power to extend my thoughts and words to writing.  I will admit though that I have missed my writing, and story sharing.  So it’s good to be back here in the blog-o-sphere.

IMG_0036There are numerous new tales to tell, and stories to share.  I’m looking forward to telling you all our summer tales, and sharing our ups and downs.  This summer will definitely go into the family history books as a summer to remember.

IMG_0034And now, already,  fall is right around the corner.  I’m amazed that my Ash tree in the backyard already has a few yellow leaves.  Wasn’t it just June, and the 4th of July?  I blinked and now it’s September.  We’re looking forward to some special , grandkiddies birthday celebrations, and having it cool off enough to actually do some baking, finally.  I have missed my baking, but it’s just been too hot and humid the past few weeks to turn anything associated with heat on inside the house.

So, it will be back to my writing, back to my baking (soon I hope) and sewing, and onward to my favorite time of year, Fall.  Wishing you all a Terrific Tuesday.


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