Tag Archive for love

Loving my Grandma World

IMG_1111A certain, special someone is celebrating her second birthday this week.  Miss Madison is turning two, and is every bit of that two-year old.  She’s head strong, feisty, sweet and loving.  Madison spends two days a week with me at Camp Grandma, and we have fun-filled, exhausting days together.  Her favorite things to play with right now are Playdough, and her dolls.

Last week Madison had a moment with me that I will always cherish.  We have a little routine together in the morning after breakfast.  We get dressed, brush our teeth, and then I fix Madison’s hair.  On this particular morning I had Maddy sitting up on my bathroom counter.  We had to get her hair wet just a bit to get it put up into a little, tiny pony tail.  Once we got her hair all situated, I was just about to lift her back to the floor, and I got this huge unexpected hug, and an “I lub you Gwamma”.  Oh my goodness, I had to pick my melted heart up off of the floor, and gave her a big squeeze back right away.  I told her, “ I love you too, Maddy”.  This is one of those sweet, loving, ever-so-short grandma moments that stays in your memory bank for a long, long time.  The fact that the “I lub you” was not prompted by anyone else made her saying it to me all the sweeter.  I lifted Madison back onto the floor, and she ran off to play, as if nothing had happened.  As far a she was concerned, it was just another normal morning.  But for this Gwamma, it was a special morning filled with love.

When is the last time you had a “Gwamma” moment?

This post linked to the GRAND Social

It’s Valentine’s Day- Love is in the Air

1-IMG_0087-002Happy Valentine’s Day to all of my family and friends.  I spent a little time gathering a few quotes on love that appealed to me this week and thought I would share them with you today.

  1. “A life without love is like a year without summer.” -Swedish Proverb

2. “The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They         must be felt with the heart.”  – Hellen Keller

3.  “Kisses are a better fate than wisdom.” -e.e. cummings

4. “All you need is love.  But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.” – Charles M.             Schulz

5. “What lies behind us, and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies          within us.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson

6. “Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend.” –Martin                  Luther King, Jr.

7. “Trip over love, you can get up. Fall in love and you fall forever.” -Author Unknown

8. “Anyone can catch your eye, but it takes someone special to catch your heart.”-                    Author Unknown

9. “Love is something eternal; the aspect may change, but not the essence.”-Vincent van          Gogh

10. “If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus a day so I don’t have        to live a day without you.” — Winnie the Pooh

As you go through your day today,  find a way to tell the people who are most important to you that you love them and care about them.    Life is too short to let words of love go unspoken.  And in the words of John Lennon, “All You Need is Love.”

A Parent’s Admiration

Over this past weekend, my sister and her husband were visiting from Montana.  The Party House was completely a buzz because Dooney (my sister Laura) and Stevo (Laura’s husband, Steve) were in the house.  Also, my nephew, Jim was here from San Luis Obispo.  Saying the Party House was a little packed was an understatement.  Although, we were without Travel Man, and our youngest son, Zach.  They were both working for a living.

We had great times, great conversation, and great food  from Wednesday at lunchtime until the last meal yesterday at lunchtime.

But there was a moment that not everyone would have seen or heard, that was filled with such love I could not help but share it with you all.  My parents were sitting in our family room, kind of off to the side of the room,  in these two comfy chairs I have there for reading.  The girls (myself, my sister, and Elaine) and I were getting the enchiladas rolled and put together for baking.  And I could hear my parents in the corner talking about all of their kids and grandkids, and now Evan, the great-grandchild all in the same place at the same time.  I just caught bits and pieces of what they were saying, but their conversation was filled with such love and pride, it’s one of those “moments” for me that I will always be able to recall.  It was one of those “moments” that is so filled with love and family that you feel as though “your cup runneth over”.   Sometimes when we are fortunate to get everyone together like this my Mom will say to my Dad, “Yo Rocky (even though his name is Jim), I can’t believe we done dis!”

Saturday night we had a wonderful dinner together, filled with wonderful, loving toasts all around the table.  We are so incredibly fortunate to have such a loving, soulful family.  I am just feeling thankful today.  Blessed and thankful.  My hope will always be that everyone gets to have this kind of family experience, at least once in their lives. 

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