Over this past weekend, my sister and her husband were visiting from Montana. The Party House was completely a buzz because Dooney (my sister Laura) and Stevo (Laura’s husband, Steve) were in the house. Also, my nephew, Jim was here from San Luis Obispo. Saying the Party House was a little packed was an understatement. Although, we were without Travel Man, and our youngest son, Zach. They were both working for a living.
We had great times, great conversation, and great food from Wednesday at lunchtime until the last meal yesterday at lunchtime.
But there was a moment that not everyone would have seen or heard, that was filled with such love I could not help but share it with you all. My parents were sitting in our family room, kind of off to the side of the room, in these two comfy chairs I have there for reading. The girls (myself, my sister, and Elaine) and I were getting the enchiladas rolled and put together for baking. And I could hear my parents in the corner talking about all of their kids and grandkids, and now Evan, the great-grandchild all in the same place at the same time. I just caught bits and pieces of what they were saying, but their conversation was filled with such love and pride, it’s one of those “moments” for me that I will always be able to recall. It was one of those “moments” that is so filled with love and family that you feel as though “your cup runneth over”. Sometimes when we are fortunate to get everyone together like this my Mom will say to my Dad, “Yo Rocky (even though his name is Jim), I can’t believe we done dis!”
Saturday night we had a wonderful dinner together, filled with wonderful, loving toasts all around the table. We are so incredibly fortunate to have such a loving, soulful family. I am just feeling thankful today. Blessed and thankful. My hope will always be that everyone gets to have this kind of family experience, at least once in their lives.