Chocolate oh beautiful chocolate…
My first post about my personal journey with diabetes became slightly long-winded, so I wanted to finish up my story with a Part Deux.
When I think about my kids’ reaction to letting them know I had been diagnosed with diabetes, it just makes me let out a huge sigh. We’ve been through a lot of diagnosis’ over the years; diabetes, cancer, leukemia, cancer, and now diabetes again. Ugh. I was not looking forward to telling my kids what was wrong with me, but I must say they all took in stride, and have been very supportive. My brother’s reaction was so heartfelt and caring. When I told him what was going on with me he immediately got out of his chair and gave me the biggest hug ever. He’s such a great guy, so much like our Dad was.
Zachary, my youngest son, had the best reaction though. He told me, “Mom now I can bug you about checking your sugar, just like you had to do with me for so many years.” He was being loving and sincere. He’s my baby boy and we’ve always had a way with words, with each other.
The interesting thing for me at this point is I already knew the dietary changes that I was going to need to make to be healthier. But being the fathead that I am, again, I immediately put up my food shield, and cried UGH!! This diabetes thing is probably a big part of the reason I struggle with my menu planning each week. A menu tied to a low carb diet tied to me being diabetic. I must get out of my menu planning rut. I think I hear my Mom’s voice in my head right now. Just try one new recipe each week. Find something that you think you’ll really like and then add it to your repertoire. There I have said that for the record. My food journey needs to be to discover new, low carb recipes that are delicious, and good for me and my family. Boom!
It is weird though when you are told there are certain things you cannot or should not eat. When you are in the infant stages of the diabetes diagnosis all you can ponder is the food you’re not supposed to be eating. Cookies, cake, ice cream, chocolate (that’s a big one for me). Sure you can find sugar-free options, and sugar-free recipes, but in the beginning I was not willing to work on any of that (fathead syndrome). I wanted to eat those sweets, and I wanted them like yesterday, and at every meal! In diabetic terms this is referred to as “carb cravings”. In Renee world when I was first diagnosed it was a way for me to feel sorry for myself. Wah I can’t have sweets anymore, wah!!!!
Nowadays, I’m starting to do a little bit of baking again. I’ve gotten used to the fact that I need to stay away from the sweets. I’m getting better at trying out lower sugar recipes, and looking forward to creating some sugar-free treats for myself, and my son this holiday season. There’s a lot to learn about being diabetic, and a lot to balance with just your eating and exercise. Everyday’s a new day, and everyday I work on staying healthy and reminding myself how much better I feel.
I know that having diabetes sucks but I think you have a great attitude and that you will actually have fun finding new recipes. So many out there on the web to find! As for exercise — may I highly recommend a Fitbit! The motivation from looking at the numbers each day and from beating your friends (and children!) is a great motivator to just move!
Hey Kc thanks so much for your kind, positive words! It’s sooo appreciated. And as a matter of fact I do have a Garmin Vivofit which helps to keep me moving. So glad you stopped in for a visit. Have a great week!