It’s a Baseball Kind of Thing

Happy, Happy Spring to one and all.  For all of our friends and family just chomping at the bit to see more green we’re sending you sunshine and warmth from sunny, Southern California.

Today is  the beginning of a great 10 day countdown.  It’s only 10 days until baseball’s opening day.  Yay!  I’m presently doing my happy dance.  I love the game of baseball.  Love to watch, love to cheer for our hometown team,(the Angels), love to gain some knowledge about the history of the game,  and love to go to a live game every now and then.

In my younger, growing up years, I did not really pay attention to baseball, or have the love for the sport that I have now.  I suppose that all changed when my kids started playing baseball and softball.  Every spring baseball or softball would start and we’d be at practices and games from February or March until July.  It’s one of those life thingy’s about a sport becoming part of your soul.  If you followed your kids through any sports, for any number of seasons you know what I’m talking about.

During our hectic spring schedules family members would join us as their schedules allowed to watch the kids play ball.  There were many, many years of supporting the love of baseball for my oldest son, Bryan.  Bryan started playing ball when he was 5 (the t-ball era) and played right through his senior year of high school.  He never stopped playing or learning about the game.  As a matter of fact that’s how we were able to get Bryan interested in reading.  Bryan learned how to read the team stats in the newspaper when he was 5 or 6. That lead to reading the articles about his favorite players or our beloved Angels.


My collection of baseball buttons through the years.


Bryan’s last time pitching senior year of high school

These days Bryan is the family’s baseball statistician.  He has a great knowledge of the game, and can recall stats and details of the history of baseball that never cease to amaze me.   Whenever we get a chance we watch a game together, and compare notes on our favorite players.  We (Bryan and I) have decided that on the 31st of March we’ll hang our Angels flag out on the front of the house to celebrate baseball’s opening day.

One last baseball thought for the day from the movie The Sandlot– The Babe said, “Remember kid, there’s heroes and there’s legends. Heroes get remembered but legends never die, follow your heart kid, and you’ll never go wrong.”

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