My little blog will turn 4 years old this coming August. I’ve been doing some semi-serious writing in that amount of time. Writing has been my go to place for telling my family stories, and sharing thoughts, wishes and advice. Looking back I decided it was time to reminisce about some of my most popular posts here on my revelings. Some posts are funny, some are serious, and others just make me glad I’m sharing my life stories.
Denim Oh Beautiful Denim – My love for denim, wearing denim and making things from denim shines through in this story.
The Garden Leaves are Everywhere – My love of gardening and plants always leads me to share stories during the summer about my gardening experiences.
Life According to Evan – A few pictures and tales About Evan’s photography skills. This post led to my Evanisms page.
Taco Salad for a Crowd – This is one of my family’s favorite go to summer recipes. So easy to prepare, and so tasty too!
That Old Dining Room Table – My very first Revelings story. This post has a lot of family history and remains one of my personal favorites. Funny thing about this post I did not have any pictures posted with it.
This story marks my 260th blog post! Wow. My hope is to continue my writing and story sharing, and I’d love it if you come along and join me for my Revelings adventure. Enjoy some reading time, friends. We are travelling home today, and I’m looking forward to getting back to my writing desk tomorrow. Here’s to starting off your week with lots of positivity and some good family time. Happy trails everyone.
It is fun to look back on old posts! Loved your fist one and I really want to eat that taco salad (but with lots of avocado!)
Evan is quite a photographer! So cute. Old posts are a great way to keep in mind the blessings along the way. Sometimes I read old ones and I’m reminded of things I had completely forgotten.
Evan’s going to turn double digits this year! Unreal! He doesn’t spend as much time at the house as he used to so I cherish the time we spend with him these days. His favorite thing with pictures is being the photobomber! glad you stopped by for a visit Lisa!