Posted on December 31, 2012
by Renee Spindle
Today is New Year’s Eve, and tomorrow will start the beginning of a New Year, 2013. This is the time of year I love to reflect back on everything that has transpired at the Party House in the course of just one, short year.
We have had numerous birthday parties for the family members who live here locally.

Had a great family event in April at Angels Stadium. Almost everyone in the family was able to make it to an Angels game together. I honestly cannot remember if the Angels won or lost that day, but we had a great time.

Hosted a great dinner party when my sister and her husband were here from Montana in May. Laura showed us how to make her red sauce enchiladas.

A special birthday was celebrated for our baby boy in July. He turned 21.

We actually got to celebrate Travel Man’s birthday on his actual birthday this year. That was a fun, fun time.

October brought us the baby shower celebration for my daughter, Naomi. We had such girly fun that day!!

November brought the arrival of Miss Madison Kay, our second grandchild. What a delight she is. I know I’ve said that before, but I’ll say it again, because I’m her Grandma.

And of course we celebrated Thanksgiving together, and for the first time in a long time my sister, Laura, was able to join us at the dinner table.

Christmas Day was celebrated here with the family. We were delighted to have our nephew, Jim, here for the days festivities. It’s always a little more casual on Christmas Day for us. Dinner was buffet style, with tons and tons of goodies and cookies. A wonderful party ending to 2012.

My parents with almost all of their grandkids!
We are always grateful to be able to host the family events. It’s always a wonder that we can get so many of the kids and their significant others together in the same place at the same time for the same event.
Every year I am equally amazed that even though my husband (aka Travel Man) is on the road for a good amount of time during the year, we are still able to sneak in as many short trips as we do. And before I get to the trips – do you know that my Travel Guy was in the air for well over 160,000 air miles this year? I could not believe that number, I’m still in shock as I am writing this. That’s a lot of travel. I am ever so grateful that he takes such good care of us, and always keep us laughing with his travel stories.
Our trips together this year included-
A trip to the Reagan Library.

A trip to Reno to visit my parents while my Dad was going through some chemo treatments.

A trip to Las Vegas in June (this was the second time), so my daughters and I could attend a Celine Dion concert. Travel man drove us there and home.

A trip to New York in August to celebrate our 10th wedding anniversary.

And a trip to Montana to visit my sister and her husband.

More trips than I could have imagined we would could possibly take this year. Thank you Travel Man. You never cease to amaze me.
And finally, I would like to give a standing ovation to my Dad. My Dad is battling lung cancer (actually he’s kicking it in the butt!). He was told in January of this year, that there were no additional, conventional methods of chemotherapy or radiation available to him that would be helpful in diminishing his tumors. My Dad, he’s a fighter, and he never, ever gives up. He got on the computer, researched some alternative therapies, found a doctor first in Reno, and then in Carlsbad, and never gave up on living. My Mom keeps telling us that since my Dad was an engineer in his working life he just has the mentality that this problem he has needs to be solved, and he’s going to solve it. And by the way my Mom, she’s a rock star. She definitely deserves the “Stand By Your Man Award” for 2012. The love and compassion she shows for my Dad is a priceless gem.
I am completely elated, overjoyed and ecstatic to tell you that because of my Dad’s hard work, perseverance, and his never give up attitude in this year of 2012, his tumors have diminished over 40%!! It is hard to express in words what a wonderful feeling it is that my Dad has seen such a tremendous improvement. It’s happiness, relief, joy, and a great big WHEW! This man, my Dad, has redefined the word perseverance.
It reminds me of my favorite Winston Churchill quote: “Never, never, never, give up.”
From the Party House to yours, wishing each and every one of you a very Happy New Year, and may all good things come to you and yours in 2013.