Take a Break on Mom’s Day

Since tomorrow is Mother’s Day,  and I know you are all busy today with your weekend to do list just remember Mother’s Day is your day.  On Sunday, just stop and take the time and allow yourself to put your Mom duties on pause for a day and just relax.  Now I realize for some of you it may be difficult to put yourself in this mindset, but just give it a try.

For all the hats we moms wear it’s nice to be able to just slip off the hat stack and take a breather.  The hat stack can be tall and cumbersome sometimes, but taking a breather is definitely necessary on occasion.  This  is easier for me to say now because my kids are all grown.  When they were younger and we had so many activities going on, it would take me a long time to acknowledge that I needed get out from under the hat stack for a bit.

If you get too caught up in your family’s day-to-day activities, and don’t take some time to pause and relax, you’ll make yourself go crazy, be stressed to the max, literally pull your hair out.  I fondly remember when my kids were younger locking myself in the bathroom #1 to be able to have a phone conversation in peace and quiet, and #2 to take a well deserved bubble bath.

Now don’t get me wrong, I have always loved my Mom duties, it’s just that sometimes we need a little break.  Some of you may have your girlfriend time, others may take time with their own Mom’s, or maybe your escape is a date night.  However you escape or should I say rejuvenate yourself be sure and do it on a regular basis.  Put the “take a break” date on your calendar if you need a reminder.  Just be sure and take some well deserved time for you.

To all the mother and grandmothers, etc. may you have a nice and relaxing day.  Enjoy and relax, read your favorite book, or take a nap.  To my own Mom – you are the best of the best.  A great teacher, friend, and the best role model for your grandchildren.  Happy Mother’s Day Mom.



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