An Unusual Day

So today turned around 180 degrees for me and it was a completely different day than I had planned on when I woke up this morning.  My plan was to work on crafting some Christmas presents, start some cookie dough for baking over the next few days and play some Christmas music in the background while the prior activities were going on.

But the reality of life set in and this is what actually happened.  The Ranch is presently battling a cold/flu/cough/sinus thingy.  Four out of the five of us have had this nasty cold, but my poor Travel Man he got hit the worst of all.  He definitely had a horrible, terrible, no good, very bad day. (Anyone know what children’s book this line is from?)  He came home sick from his trip last night, and I sent him straight to the doctor’s office this morning.  He’s going to be fine just a really, really bad cold.  He has to rest, this is not in his nature, but he has to do it.

Then our grandson, Evan, who has had a little bit of runny nose, and a cough gets here this morning and he has a fever.  He had to stay home from school with the fever, so my living room became the infirmary for the day.  And dear, sweet Evan in the middle of all of the cold yuk lost a tooth. 

So he was singing, “All I want for Christmas is my one front tooth.” all day.  He was very proud of pulling out his tooth all on his own.

I have stocked up on the kleenex, cough drops, juice, lysol, hand sanitizer, and patience, and am nursing everyone back to good health.  It was a bit of a tiring day, but in the end I’m glad I was here to take care of it all.


  1. mom says:

    Life’s like that 🙂

  2. Cassie says:

    Alexander and the terrible, horrible, no good very bad day =] my mom calls my brother Rian Alexander fuzzyhead becuz of that book!

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