I think I have an obsession with coffee

Last week when I was unloading the dishwasher I had a freak kitchen accident.  Have no fear no one was hurt, except for my coffee pot.  I was putting away this small glass bowl, it slipped out of my hands, and bounced off of the carafe of the coffee maker.  The bowl survived, but the coffee carafe had a gaping hole in it.  After cleaning up the mess I went on my merry way doing other things around the house.  (This happened at dinner time.)

The next morning I wanted my cup of coffee.  I think I became a little grouchy at this point, very unlike me.  Then I foraged in the kitchen and found some Taster’s Choice samples and got a cup of coffee. Yay!  I felt much better.  Over the weekend we did not rush out to buy a new coffee pot, and I had a few Taster’s Choice samples to use up.  They were not as good as the “real thing”, but they would suffice.  Travel Man and I were going places and working on a house project over the weekend, I did not want to take time out to shop for a coffee pot.

Then this morning my wonderful,  Travel Man went to the store for a few things and came home with a new coffee carafe.  Oh, and he also bought some additional Taster’s choice as a back-up just in case the carafe did not work out.  I realized just a few minutes ago I think I’m obsessed with having my first cup of coffee in the morning.  This was quite an aha moment for me.  Now mind you I don’t drink coffee all day, just first thing in the morning.  It’s my morning routine.  And when my morning routine was off,  I felt off-balance all day long.

So to start my week off right I am sitting here enjoying my morning coffee.  Life is good when everything in my world is in balance.



  1. grand-player says:

    The way to a woman’s heart……..bring her coffee instead of flowers

  2. If Renee is happy, everyone in the house is happy!

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