One Lovely Blog Award

I am pleased as punch to share with everyone that I have received a nomination for the “One Lovely Blog Award”.  My fellow blogger, Joan,  at thethingaboutjoan has graciously nominated me for this award.   Joan’s writing is from the heart, and I love how she writes about her experiences day in and day out with her kids. Thanks Joan!

My domestic Goddess status has given me the freedom in the last year to learn about blogging and writing my little life’s stories.  So far it has been a wonderful journey working on writing and sharing little bits and pieces of my family’s life.

In the spirit of this award here are 7 things you may find interesting about me:

1)   I just discovered how much I love writing in this past year.  So far it has been a pretty eye-opening experience for me.

2)  My sister is my best friend.  We don’t live close to one another, but we are learning how much we can lean on each other.  Hugs to you Laura!

3)  Becoming a Grandma is one of life’s experiences that you can’t really explain in words to someone else.  You just having to experience it!

4)  Being married to a road warrior is a challenge, but it is a challenge that I accept and embrace.

5)There is no single word to describe how incredible it is to be able to help your parents with anything they need, when they have ALWAYS been there for you.  Love you Mom & Dad!!

6)  Painting any room in my house is a hobby I love, love, love.

7) My brother and I played a guitar duet in the mall for our guitar recital, many, many moons ago.  Remember this Jim?

And now for the good stuff,  these are a few blogs that I enjoy following:

  1.  Maggiesonebuttkitchen – What a plethora of recipes to choose from.  I am looking forward to making some of Maggie’s recipes over the summer.  Yum, yum.
  2.  Meg Travels– Meg has great pictures of her travel adventures, and I love reading her tips and tricks for great travel experiences.
  3. Shutterbug Sage– Such a great collection of pictures.   I love photography, and love looking at the world through another photographer’s eye.
  4. Grandma’s Briefs– Lisa’s intriguing stories of the Grandma life are very relatable, as I have one grandson, and another grandchild on the way.
  5. The Suburban Cook– Kim has an amazing way of writing about her cooking, and intertwining her life happenings with her food experiences.
  6. Joan on the Road – This is my Mom’s blog page.  My parents live in their RV fulltime, and my Mom has a wonderful way of drawing you into her stories. 
  7. Rantings of an Amateur Chef – Love the presentation of the recipes here.  Makes me want to get into the kitchen right away.

The guidelines for accepting this award are as follows:
1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and link back to their blog in your post.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Nominate about 15 other blogs that you enjoy.
4. Let the nominees know that you chose them. There’s no pressure to accept, just do what feels good.

Thanks again Joan for the nomination.  I’m looking forward to checking out your fave blogs, and finding some new peeps to follow. Happy writing to all!


  1. Aw, thank you, Renee! You’re so kind. I appreciate it.
    Your No. 3 resonates deeply with me—for obvious reasons.
    Would have loved to see the mall recital! :o)
    Happy Sunday, and again, thank you!

  2. Thank you so much for the nomination!

  3. megtraveling says:

    Thank you so much Renee! It’s an honor to be nominated for this award. And congratulations to you on a well-deserved award too 🙂

  4. […] the One Lovely Blog Award from Hot Rod Cowgirl  and Renee’s Revelings.  This is an award I’m really happy to accept.  The requirements […]

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