Tag Archive for family

My Family is Great

My birthday was a couple of days ago, and I was reminded in quite a few ways how great my family is, and how much love there is in my awesome family circle.

My Travel Man is on the road, and will not be home until next weekend.  So, he was not able to be here for my birthday. But he made me feel so special.  You see on the morning of my birthday I got a wake-up call at 6am.  It was my sweet, adoring husband on the line singing “Happy Birthday” to me.  He has such a good singing voice.

Then my day began, and here’s a list of all of the little things that made my day!

> I got a big birthday hug from my oldest son.

> I got a beautifully worded e-card from my parents.

> My baby brother called me on his way to work and sang “Happy Birthday” to me(am I a lucky sister or what!).

> I got some Happy Birthday text messages from my other kids.

>My baby sister called me to wish me a “Happy Birthday”, and we had a great chat (we call this our “coffee clatch”).

> My dear hubby called me again to see if a package had been delivered for me.  (Ooh a package!!  How fun).  Look what he sent me.  Like my Mom said, “Absolutely decadent!”

2013-04-04 10.29.592013-04-04 10.38.41

> My Mom called me to say “Happy Birthday” and we had some girl talk for a while.

> My sons arranged to make me dinner, which was absolutely lovely.  They are quite a pair in the kitchen.  We had grilled steaks and asparagus.  Some sautéed veggies ala Zach, and some garlic bread.  Aren’t they handsome?


It was great what a treat to have them cook for me.  I had no idea they had it in them to put together a meal and get it all on the table at the right time!  Parental Success!!

For dessert we had a cheesecake, and the kids put a candle in one of the pieces, and while we were Skyping with the grandkids they ALL sang “Happy Birthday” to me.  Evan was leading the group from the computer screen.  As you can see Madison was entranced by watching everyone.  It was very sweet.

Video call snapshot 4

Oh and throughout the day I got birthday messages from friends and family across the country on Facebook.  That is always such a nice treat.

I’m a lucky girl.  I’m lucky to be surrounded by such a great family circle.  They take the meaning of the word family to an entirely different level.  People often tell us that our family is really different.  We’re not so different; we’re just caring, compassionate, loving souls.  We take care of each other in good times and bad.  We have been through a lot together, and we survive together.

My eternal hope for each and every one of you reading this is that you are surrounded by the same sort of amazingness.  Happy Weekend everyone.

Does your Family have a Christmas Project?

My parents started a wonderful holiday tradition well over 15 years ago.  They print a family photo calendar for the New Year filled with pictures and memories of the past year, or even from many years ago.  I have blogged about this project in the past, but it becoming such a time-honored tradition it’s a story that bears repeating.  When this annual project started,  in 1997 my Mom was the editor, and set up girl.  She would collect pictures that had been taken by family members for the prior years happenings, and use those to put the pages together for the New Years calendar.  The calendar also includes all of the family member birthdays and anniversaries.  So there’s no forgetting any important dates.

1997 Calendar 0011999 calendar page 001

Over the years the process of putting the collected the pictures, and scanning, and building the calendar pages has transformed into a completely digital process.  Now a days the pages are put together using Picasa’s collage feature.  Pictures for each month’s page still have to be collected, but the process of putting the pictures on the pages is a much easier process and allows for a greater number of pictures to be included.

This is a page from our 2013 calendar:

August Calendar page

Credit for this collage collection goes to Travel Man.

The printing process of the calendar is another piece of family history.  For many, many years my Mom would put the calendar together in “old-school” fashion.  Cutting and pasting each picture to the page and then scanning it in for the final copy.  My Dad was in charge  of printing all of the copies. They did all of this, including the printing, at home, and I’m sure they were printing 10 or more copies.  Quite a venture.  And with your parents being the “project managers” on this type of project, you knew you had to meet the picture deadline.

Of course pictures submissions have always been  strictly voluntary, but everyone likes to be included on this project.  And even more exciting for the 2013 calendar, a few of the pictures that Evan  took during the year made it on the calendar too.  That would mean that this year’s calendar was put together by four (yes that’s 4) generations of family members.  Wow!!  I just realized that fact.  Isn’t that amazing?

In the younger years of our family calendar, the kids would all count how many times they made an appearance in the calendar, and of course compare their counts.  (I think my Mom went a little nuts with this one.). And they were also quick to let their grandma know if a picture had been duplicated.

For quite a few years we only included pictures from the previous year. Then in 2004,  my mom surprised us all and threw in old pictures of some of us, and it was a great blast from the past.  From that year on we have had pictures from the here and now,  and a few from the past mixed in as well.

We have now been doing the calendar for so long that someone will take a really great picture or a really funny one, and we’ll say, “That’s a calendar shot!”.

A few years ago my Mom commandeered help from everyone who wanted to help put  together the pictures for the calendar. So, around Thanksgiving time my mom will post a message on Facebook for what month people would like to be responsible for. Once the months are all assigned then the picture collecting frenzy begins.  I always tell myself I’m going to collect the great calendar shots as we go through the year, and then life sets in and I forget,and the first week of December I’m scrambling to find pictures.  Oh and there is also someone assigned for the picture on the cover of the calendar. This is a coveted position each year.

The updated printing process has now been assigned to Staples. Once the editing is complete the calendar goes on a flash drive and a few days later, voila the calendar is finished.  I think my parents print around 20 copies of the calendar each year now, and they’re always ready for our family’s Christmas day get together.

The calendar has created a wonderful  pictorial of the family history. Watching the kids grow up, and ourselves getting older.  I have all the picture portions of my calendars in binders, so we can page through the years, and enjoy all of the pictures quite easily.  The binders become a great conversation piece at family parties.  Travel Man will carry a calendar with him this year, as he loves to share pics of his family, and we’re hoping he’ll feel like he has a little piece of home with him.

Our 2013 Family Calendar is a sight to behold, and welcomes the newest member of the family, Miss Madison.  Hats off to my parents for keeping this tradition going.  It is a memory that I’m certain will be treasured for years and years to come.

This post has been linked to the GRAND Social linky

On becoming a Grandma, again.


Madison with her Nana.
December 2012

For any of you who follow my blog regularly you know that last November we welcomed our granddaughter into the family.  Such a sweet, little cutie pie.  It’s amazing to me that when the family tree expands, your heart just becomes filled beyond overflowing with happiness and joy.

It’s a multi-part thing; you are ecstatic to have a new member in the family, you are ecstatic to see your children become wonderful parents.  And nothing can compare to the joy on your own mother’s face when she becomes a great-grandma for the second time around, our resident, “Nana”.  Plus, in my family we are especially blessed because my grandmother shares in this joy long distance.  So,  we have a great-great grandma in the family.  We are able to Skype with her once in a while so she can say hi to all the grandkids, great grandkids, and the great-great’s too!!

5th Generation - July 2006

5 Generations from July 2006
My Mom, Grandma & myself
Standing is daughter, Naomi with Evan.

My Grandma sent me a little note over the holidays, she still likes to send “snail mail”, which I love.  She has seen many, many pictures of her new great-great granddaughter since her arrival, and this is what she wrote to me:

“What a unique child Madison is.  Her face is so “knowing”.  Her eyes are seeing and processing everything, if she can keep her busy little mind awake.  She is truly beautiful.  I’m so proud of her, and of Evan too.  Such wonderful kids- my great-great grandchildren!  I feel like I had a little part in that along the way.”

I think my Grandma’s words sum up the feeling that any of us who are grandparents have.  That in some small way, you had a tiny little something to do with that new life that just came into the world, and expanded your family tree.

Christmas Tree Follies from Years Past…..

So in Southern California we occasionally experience Santa Ana winds.  These can be very strong like they were this past week, with the winds up to 100 miles per hour. The winds are either very hot or cold.  Now if your asking yourself what this has to do with our Christmas tree  just keep reading.  This past week was a very, cold Santa Ana wind, but it reminded me that in December we always seem to have some kind of wind event.

Three or four years ago I decided we should get a live tree for Christmas.  Up until this point we had gotten a few live trees, bought an artificial tree, and this particular year (I think it was 2007) we opted for a live tree again.  Now, what you need to understand is that the Santa Ana winds are extremely, extremely dry.  There is not enough Chap Stick or lotion on the globe to keep a person from feeling dried out.

So, we headed out for a live tree, found a suitable specimen, and brought it home.  Travel Man graciously got it in the tree stand for me and brought it in the house.  He doesn’t really like to do the decorating, but he does like it when the finished product makes the house look all festive and merry.

Before the Winds Tree

So the tree got decorated with the usual lights and ornaments, and we proceeded with our merry, festive Christmas activities.  A few days later, here come the Santa Ana winds, dry yucky winds.  So our lovely, live tree starts to become a fire hazard.  After two or three days in the house Travel Man and I notice the tree feels like a kindling stick.  The tree cannot drink enough water to keep up with the dryness.

So, we made a bold decision.  We had to replace this tree.  We did not want to have such a fire hazard in the already too dry house.  So off we trudged to pick out a new live tree, and once we got to the store we decided to look at the artificial trees, and “just see what they had”.  You all know how those decisions go, you’re just going to look around, see what’s available, and have no intention of buying.  So after a few minutes of browsing the artificial trees I found “the one”.  It was a great tree, it came in the box pre-lit, all we had to do was assemble and decorate.  I was in for this decision.  It didn’t take much to convince Travel Man, and off we went with a new artificial tree for our Christmas celebration.

After the Winds Tree

After the Winds Tree at Night


 So, for all of you Southern California folks who long for the aroma of a real tree, just keep it simple and buy yourself a wreath. Our Christmas tree follies since 2007 have been fairly calm.  I’m just glad Travel Man took pictures of this event for history’s sake.  Happy decorating everyone!

10 Things I Loved About Visiting Montana

View of the backyard.

A week or so ago Travel man and I had the opportunity to visit my sister and her husband near Missoula, Montana.  The countryside there was breathtaking.  Mountain ranges all around us, and a beautiful valley of rolling hills and farmlands.  It has been way too long since I have been at my sister’s house, and Travel man’s never been there.  We encountered some rain, some snow, and a few rays of sunshine too.  The property where my sister lives is very wooded, and right at the base of the Bitterroot Mountain range.  Gorgeous, gorgeous views.  Unfortunately it was too cloudy for pictures while we were there.


So, in honor of our visit I have put together my top ten list from our  Montana travels.

  1. Sleeping for 8-9 hours at a stretch this is unheard of for me!!  I normally sleep may 6 hours a night?  I was told that this could have been due to the altitude change.  I think it’s because The air was so crisp and cool, and I was so relaxed.
  2. Leaferville – we got to see the changing of the leaves the moment we landed in Spokane.
  3. Crisp, crisp cool weather.  Highs in the 40’s, lows in the 20’s.  It was glorious.
  4. Snow??  Who knew!  We drove through a snow storm on our drive from Spokane to Missoula.  It’s been a long time since I’ve seen snowflakes so big.
  5. My sister’s cooking – Wow!!  Laura is a gourmet cook.  We had a Lentil, Beef Stew, homemade coq au vin, and a delicious Butternut Squash Soup.  Wonderful, warm delicious meals.  Absolutely yummy!
  6. Celebrating the “baby steps” of a major home improvement project.  Laura and her husband are having their roof worked on.  It’s been very stressful for them, and we helped them to celebrate the small victories of the project moving forward.
  7. Wearing blue jeans, and socks and shoes.  Changing up the wardrobe.  Instead of the usual crop pants and tank top wardrobe!  Oh and I did get to wear the scarf my mom made me too!
  8. Sipping hot coffee and lattes on a chilly Montana morning next to the wood stove.  Can you say mega comfort zone?
  9. A couple of gaggles of wild turkeys roaming in the front yard.
  10. Some cute little dear nibbling on some brush,  also in the front yard.

These are just a few of my favorite moments from our trip.  Of course I delighted in the non-top chatting with my sister.  She is definitely a mountain girl, and loves living the country lifestyle.  Maybe I’m just a smidge jealous on that front.  We did have a wonderful time together, and lucky me my sister’s coming to my house for a visit this week.  Just makes me want to jump for joy.  Wishing everyone a great week.

What’s your recent, favorite family moment?

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